All about GAMING Wiki

Just like the other game you have to survive from the crazy rabbit murder, that turns kids into wooden dolls. You play as the same character from chapter 1, Tom Randy, and this time there is new locations too...


You wake up in your cell after getting knocked by the crazy rabbit guy. You try to find more clues about where you are bu then you meet Samantha. Samantha tells Tom that the kidnapper had captured her and transformed her friends Bill and Emma into wooden dolls and she would be next.

Your task is to save Samantha. You gotta find keys, solve puzzles and do even more things to stop the murder from killing Samantha.

There are 2 new locations in this game:

  • Mine
  • Railway Station


EASY: The enemy walks slowly. Enemy cannot hear or see well. You have five lives.

NORMAL: The enemy walks a bit faster now. The enemy can hear well, and see well. You have now three lives.

HARD: The enemy runs after you. He can hear and see perfectly. You only have two lives in this difficulty.


Steam has given this game age limit 7+. I agree with this age limit, this is good. This game is not scary at all but there are some jumpscres in this game. Overall, I think the game is better then the first one. There are much more things to do, more cutscenes and you get to understand the story in this game. I will give this game an 9/10.

